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Shareable Tweets: Facebook sharing SUPER POWERS on Twitter

Shareable Tweets is a free Chrome extension developed by It falls under the category of Browsers and is classified as an Add-ons & Tools subcategory. This extension adds a Facebook Like bar to every tweet, allowing users to react to tweets just like they can on Facebook. With Shareable Tweets, users can easily express their sentiments using emojis such as , , , , , and .

The latest version, V3.3, fixed an issue that caused the share button to stop working on some tweets. V3.2 made the extension compatible with the new Twitter interface, including GoodTwitter. Additionally, V3.1 automatically redirects users to, eliminating the need for manual navigation. V3.0 introduced the Facebook Reaction bar to every tweet on the timeline, enhancing the sharing experience. Previous updates, such as V2.9, added a Like button and emoticons.

Shareable Tweets simplifies the process of sharing tweets on Facebook without linking the accounts. It has received positive feedback, including mentions in Spanish-language press. The extension is supported 24/7 through their Twitter handle,

Get Shareable Tweets now and enjoy the power of Facebook sharing on Twitter!

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